Saturday, March 24, 2012

[Daily Photo] Closeup of a Star Cactus / 星狀仙人掌特寫

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This photo is a closeup of a Star Cactus (Astrophytum Ornatum, Cactaceae). I took this photo in the greenhouse of the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens (in Ann Arbor, Michigan).

Closeup of a Star Cactus

Friday, March 23, 2012


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<a href="" title="Engineering Research Building at sunset by Shu-Hung Liu, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="677" alt="Engineering Research Building at sunset"></a>

<img src="" width="1024" height="677" alt="Engineering Research Building at sunset">
  • src=  後面的網址為此照片在Flickr伺服器上的位址,這個網址基本是不用改,但是我喜歡把 staticflickr 改成中間多了一點),原因之後會做說明。
  • width= 後面的數字可以用來設定這張照片要顯示的寬度。
  • height= 後面的數字可以用來設定這張照片要顯示的高度。我習慣的做法是直接改寬度,然後把高度的程式碼砍掉,Flickr會自動把照片按照原本的長寬比套用你所設定的寬度來調整照片的大小。
  • alt= 後面所接的文字為萬一照片無法顯示時所顯示的替代文字。
<a href="" title="Engineering Research Building at sunset by Shu-Hung Liu, on Flickr">
  • title= 後面所接的文字為滑鼠移動到照片上後,所顯示的說明文字。可依照個人需求自行更改。 
  • href= 後面的網址即為點擊照片後會前往的網址,要讓照片不要連回Flickr,就是要改這個地方。那該怎麼改呢?最簡單的改法,如果不要照片點擊後有任何的效果,可以直接將 href="......" 這部分的程式碼移除,請看以下範例:
<a  title="滑鼠移動到照片上後,所顯示的說明文字"><img src="" width="400" alt="Engineering Research Building at sunset"></a>
Engineering Research Building at sunset
各位可以看到,在我移除掉 href="......" 這部分的程式碼後,這張照片已經不能點擊了。將游標移動到照片上後,會顯示title= 後面的說明文字(經實際測試,使用Chrome瀏覽器會顯示title= 後面的說明文字;使用IE會顯示alt=後面的替代文字)。我還將照片寬度改為400,並將高度的設定移除,讓照片維持原有的長寬比。

接下來說明要如何在點擊照片後用Blogger內建的燈箱來顯示此照片,首先在Blogger的 設定-->文章和留言-->在燈箱中展示圖片 設定為"是",接下來請看以下範例:

<a href="" title="Engineering Research Building at sunset by Shu-Hung Liu"><img src="" width="400" alt="Engineering Research Building at sunset"></a>
Engineering Research Building at sunset
首先我把src=後面的網址staticflickr 改成中間多了一點),然後將修改後的網址複製後貼到 href= 之後。大家可以點擊照片,看看燈箱的效果。
若是不把staticflickr 改成,結果又會如何,請看以下範例:

<a href="" title="Engineering Research Building at sunset by Shu-Hung Liu"><img src="" width="400" alt="Engineering Research Building at sunset"></a>
Engineering Research Building at sunset
程式碼基本上與上一張圖相同,唯一不同處是在href= 後面把 改回staticflickr。大家可以點擊看看,燈箱的效果消失了。

staticflickr 改成 static.flickr的方法是我自己亂試試出來的,我也不清楚為何要這樣改。希望這篇文章對大家有幫助。

[Daily Photo] Shadow of a photographer

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This photo was taken at Yellowstone National Park. The shadow in this photo is, as you can guess, me. We were visiting West Thumb Geyser Basin that morning. When walking on the boradwalk, at first my attention was focusing on the scene of the Yellowstone Lake on the far side, then I looked down and found that my shadow on the ground was really interesting. So I took this photo.

Shadow of a photographer

Thursday, March 22, 2012

[Daily Photo] Beautiful hallway of North Quadrangle Residential and Academic Complex / 美麗的走廊

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The building in this photo is the North Quadrangle Residential and Academic Complex (in Central Campus, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor). On the left side of this photo is the central courtyard area. The beautiful ceiling lights in the hallway are on even in broad daylight.

攝於美國密西根大學中校區的North Quad.

Beautiful hallway of North Quadrangle Residential and Academic Complex

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[Daily Photo] Cherry blossom outside Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building / 密西根大學內的櫻花

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It's early spring in Ann Arbor now. I am glad that the endless winter is finally gone. This photo shows the cherry blossom trees outside Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building (in North Campus, University of Michigan) are in full bloom now. If you walk along the trees, you can feel the falling cherry petals just like snow. By the way, there are a lot of bees working on the cherry blossoms. I guess it is because the cherry blossoms are the only flowers in the nearby area.

初春時分,在大部分的植物尚未開花或長出新葉前,櫻花已悄悄綻開。身歷其境,果真能體會「落英繽紛」、「櫻花吹雪」的視覺饗宴。攝於密西根大學 Francois-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB) Building前。

Cherry blossom outside Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building

Monday, March 19, 2012

[Daily Photo] Michigan Stadium at dusk / 薄暮下的密西根體育場

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This is one of the gates of Michigan Stadium, home of the football team of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Michigan Stadium is the largest college owned stadium in the U.S.. It was mid-winter when I took this photo. It was so cold that I almost gave up taking photos. My fingers were numb with cold even though I was wearing a pair of thick gloves.While waiting for the lamps in this photo to turn on, I hid myself in a shelter of a bus stop from the chilly wind. It was really a memorable experience.


Michigan Stadium at dusk